Credit: webdicine.com
Matt threw his back out today. It was on it’s way out yesterday, but a poor night’s rest and bad sleep position sent him into a swift downward spiral today. He could barely stand up, sit down, and certainly couldn’t pick anything up. At one point he sneezed whilst sitting on the couch and the second half of it was a shriek of agony. He was not okay. Since we are not doctor people and don’t yet even have established primary care in our new city, I got to work consulting Dr. Google. Follow the link below for more details:
10 Easily Acquired and Commonly Used Natural Muscle Relaxants
By following the advice in the link below, taking 800mg of Ibuprofen and also administering the homeopathic remedies Bryonia and Rhus Toxica. Moist heat, a hot bath with Epsom salt and essential oils can really aid in relaxing muscle spasms.