Credit: mentalscoop.com
Doing laundry is a tiresome enough chore and there is no way around it. With a few tricks, however, you can make your laundry making processes much easier and much more organized.
The link below has a few DIY projects that’ll help you save some time and effort while doing your family’s laundry. The top three hacks I liked though are the ones utilizing the space you have in your laundry room.
The first one is using the back of your laundry door to hang some baskets that’ll hold your small items, like the paper towel rolls and the detergents instead of having them sitting in your way. The second one is adding a folding table to your laundry room, this way you can fold the clothes before moving them to a staging room for easier distribution. The third hack I loved is adding a counter to the room.
Check the link below to see other laundry room hacks…