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12 Awesome Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Yard

Image Credit: http://pickystitch.com/

Image Credit: http://pickystitch.com/

Baking soda is one of the most universal products in the world. You can use it for cleaning or baking or even de-icing! I always have a ton of baking soda in stock in my house because I use it for so much. Between baking soda and vinegar, I rarely buy any other cleaning products. The combination of them is really great for removing stuck on scum on my kitchen floor too! It’s pretty crazy how much it can do.

But this is about how you can use baking soda in your yard. Honestly, I had never thought to use baking soda in my yard before this because, well, it just wasn’t a common thought to me! After finding these, though, you can bet I will be using baking soda even more often now!

12 Awesome Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Yard

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