As big of a MacGyver fan as I was, his solutions were always so far fetched it was comical. These are all much more survival based, practical and they actually work! Sorry, no bombs made from chewing gum and paperclips here. : ( BUT, no one said a soda can or a cell phone might not come in handy some day! I counted the skills in the articles below but please see the article in the link below from The Art Of Manliness for more details.
18 Urban And Wilderness Survival Hacks That Would Make MacGyver Proud
Framework Collar Connector
Blanket Chair
Condom Canteen
Liter Rain Collector
Match Feather Stick
Jumper Cable + Pencil = Fire
9-Volt Razor Hack
Mylar Emergency Survival Blanket Lens
The Fire Pick
Gum Wrapper Fire
Ramen Noodle Stove
Paracord Fishing Fly
Spoon Broadhead
Slingshot Whisker Biscuit
Makeshift Butterfly Bandage
A Not-So-StrAWEful Tick Puller
Bullet Casing Whistle