Credit: homeremediesforlife.com
Edema is a swelling that caused by an accumulation of fluid in the body tissues. Edema its self is not harmful and could be caused by different factors such as excessive intake of salt, certain medications such as steroids and high blood pressure drugs, and pregnancy. However, repeated occurrence of edema can be alerting and you have to see your doctor for it because it could be a sign of the underlying condition such as heart diseases or kidney failure, so until you find out the cause and solution, you will need a temporary relief of that uncomfortable feeling and there’s nothing better than natural home remedies. For example, natural diuretic foods such as Cranberries and Watermelon are very good because they cause you to urinate more. Parsley tea is so effective in inhibiting the reabsorption of potassium and sodium, which allows excess water to leave the body. Also, you can try potassium rich foods such as bananas.