Credit: cutediyprojects.com
Some folks are so creative. Ok, to be fair, a lot of people get paid to be that creative, but I think I might be missing the creative gene. At least I was blessed with the technical gene so I have little problem copying other peoples’ creativity!
I’m looking so forward to starting a garden in my new home this year, and since it’s recommended you don’t mess with anything for a solid year (so you can really get to know what you’re working with) I will spend my time preparing with garden organization! Yay! Here are some great ideas you may not have seen:
25+ Awesome Garden Storage Ideas For Crafty Handymen And Skilled Moms – Cute DIY Projects
My favorite one is the folding pallet gardening table, could come in handy in the garage too. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in a comment!