I totally was cleaning my apartment today and I looked at Momma Blogga and said, “when is the last time we cleaned the garbage disposal?” She looked at me with a blank look and said: “I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned.” That is a huge problem people. You should be cleaning your garbage disposal every month. There are in fact, many different methods of cleaning your garbage disposal. Some include using some lemon peels while others require you to disassemble your device. Now I don’t know if you’re like me, but I’m practically the laziest person I know so I would much rather throw some vinegar down the drain and call it good.
There are other methods in this post that go into further detail on how to clean a garbage disposal, none of which require you to take it apart. Please support the official release of this article and please follow any social media outlets that you find on there. Bloggers like followers. Thanks for stopping by!