Some foods aren’t around all year long. Some you just simply make too much of and could eat at a later date but you know won’t last that long in your fridge. If your fridge is anything like mine, all those yummy leftovers get shoved to the back and become useless and lost until they start smelling up the whole kitchen. It’s really quite embarrassing when you have company over and you discover it. That’s one reason I started doing the 3 minute quick fridge clean at least once a week. That’s also a reason I discovered which foods I could save by freezing instead of just tossing them in the fridge to go to waste.
31 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Freeze
The knowledge in the link provided above is sure to change your life for the better. Trust me on that one. Now I have meals and foods in there I can just pull down and thaw for a quick and yummy meal at any point in time. And the best part is, I know they won’t be moldy and nasty when I decide I want them again. I call that a win-win situation.