If you’ve ever been pregnant or close to someone who has, you might well know the likelihood of developing heartburn, especially in the last trimester. A teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water sipped slowly can help quell the burn. Add a little bit of activated charcoal, and feel relief almost instantly! Read on below (link) for some other ways to help this uncomfortable condition.
4 Natural Ways to Deal with Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD
Also, contrary to what common sense might tell you, Apple Cider Vinegar might be an effective remedy if you suffer from reflux on a regular basis. Sometimes, not enough acid in the stomach can cause heartburn, since the presence of acid helps to close the valve from the stomach to the esophagus. If there’s not enough acid, the valve stays open, allowing what acid IS there to creep back up.
Jason I keep hearing about apple cider vinegar.
Yep same. May have to try it. I think is depends something on whether you are acidic or basic
Jason Kovach Deanna Kovach If you’re wondering about using ACV for heartburn specifically, apparently, it will help those who actually have low stomach acid. Low stomach acid can still cause heartburn since the signal to close the valve from esophagus to stomach doesn’t work when the acid is too low. Therefore, whatever acid IS present (and there’s always some of course) will flow back up the esophagus. That’s the idea anyway.