credit: brightside.me
Owning a car comes with the responsibility of caring for your vehicle by keeping up with the maintenance and keeping the car out of harm’s way. This all costs money but the more you take care of your car the less you would have to fix the problems that result from ignoring your car. For example relying on the lock gear to keep your car parked on a slope instead of the emergency breaks can damage the gearbox which is very expensive to replace. There are obvious things that we all know about caring for the car, but the link below has some advice for us that we might not have known before.
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Know someoharsh on their car and could use some good tips?
Nate Brown
Why does this gas gage have 4/4 in the place of the normal F??? If going with fractions, shouldn’t it actually be 8/8 instead, since the gage is broken down in 8ths???
I stand corrected! Lol