If you keep up with my blog at all you know that I buy EVERYthing second hand, unless I simply can’t find it second hand. Then I make it. If I can’t make it, then I will cave and buy it. THIS is one of those things. In the children’s resale market these kinds of fabric book slings go like hot cakes. I’ve been looking for a month now, and about two have come up and were already gone by the time I saw them.
We sorely need one as my toddler’s books are currently being scattered about the bottom shelf of a changing table. And the floor. Mostly the floor. This is an ingenius concept for a toddlers’ rooms. And in fact, better than the Target version that takes up floor space! Learn to make it here:
How to Make Book Slings — Domestic Imperfection
These slings hold a ton of books and are surprisingly sturdy!