For people living off the grid electrical power may be one of the biggest problems. Solar panels, for example, although are a very good source of electricity, they have their limitations. You would need to reduce the load as much as possible to get more electricity for other important things in your homes like a fridge or an extra freezer.
“The most common practical uses for a windmill are to irrigate pastures and gardens, water livestock, and supply and aerate ponds. Anything more than that requires a holding tank on “stilts,” or a water tower, to provide enough pressure to be “on tap” for household use”. Learn more about this ancient and very useful invention in the link below:
Water pumping windmills
Even if you don’t live off the grid, if you have a well on your property it might be a good idea to have one of these windmills. They don’t just save you some money on your bills, they are also a safety net in case of a power outage.