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How to Build Swings Around a Campfire

Combining two great things: swings and campfire, what a great idea! This is a pretty involved diy, not really for a beginner. But if you have the know how, this is a great project. How amazing would it be to have this in your backyard?

I only spent about 3 days, and the first day was to dig a hole and set up a column. All woods are treated with 6×6 pressure. The construction is being completed the next day. The third step is to scatter gravel, set fire to the pit and contaminate the treated pressure. I bought the swings offline from Louisana Cypress Swings and Things and had to wait a week or more to ship them out.

I don’t have any architectural guidance to do, almost just with wings. I arranged a hexagon in the yard so that the center of each bracket’s column is 7’apart, because I know I want to get a 5’swing. From each column to the opposite column, I have a distance of 14′. I’m not sure what these angles are, I just took two pieces of scraps and put them there and chopped them around until I knew the correct angle. We put all the top items there, and then put them all in. A bay was left unwaveringly so that I could move the firewood in

I don’t have any building instructions to go by, pretty much just winged it. I layed out the hexagon in the yard so that center for the uprights for each bay was 7′ apart because I knew I wanted to get 5′ swings. I had 14′ from each upright to the upright opposite of it. I’m not sure what the angles were, I just took two pieces of scrap and layed them up there and messed around cutting a few until I got the angle right. We got all the top pieces set up there before lagging them all in. Left one bay swingless so that I could carry firewood in.

I got 6x6x10’s for the uprights and they are sacreeted almost 3 feet in the ground. I guess its a little over 7 feet to the bottom of the 6x6x8’s on top.

  • Materials I used
  • 6- Bags of Sacreete (or Quickcreete – whatever you call it) one for each upright.
  • 6- 6x6x10’s (for the uprights)
  • 6- 6x6x8’s for the top sections
  • 6- 2x6x8’s for the stabilizers that go kitty corner on top of 6×6’s (for strength)
  • 24- 3/8’s x 8″ lags for laggin the top horizontal pieces to the uprights (countersunk)
  • 24- 4″ Deck screws for screwing the top pieces together horizontally before lagging them.
  • 24 – 3″ Deck screws for screwing the top 2×6 stabilizers to the 6×6’s
  • 10- 3/8×8″ eyebolts with nuts and washers for hanging the swings
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