These secret places are Genius
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let’s start:
The Golden Paint Bucket Contains The Gold
Next time you use up a can of paint, save the empty one so later you can put some precious stuff inside Then put it back on the shelf with all your other cans.
I love Sitting On This Chair
Dining chairs usually have a false bottom box space under the seat for placing the drop-down hinged panel. you can put some huge amount of cash right there!
Secret Hole In The Door
This one you should do it yourself but it won’t take that much time
you should only drill a fit-sized hole right in the door, this hole can contain some precious things like Role of cash
“Literally” Buried
You just have to get a box or an old container and fill it with dirt or Cat’s Litter.
Right in front of your eyes
you can use an old Vacuum or any common household item that has a hole will work as a secret compartment. Anything like (old computer towers, printers, children toys, etc….) would work.
WARNING: be sure what no one will get rid of these stuff, or give it to charity or something in that sorts.
A Roll in the Roll
Remove the spring bar that contains the toilet paper. Roll up a stack of cash, hide them inside, and then reassemble the bars to hide them.
This Ball is not for Playing
A football is ideal for small objects. Let the air flow out of the ball and cut one of the seams with a sharp item. After inserting the item, tuck the seam back in place.
Using a magnet will be Great!
To hide a key stick a magnet to spare the key with hot glue then attach the magnet to a hidden metal like your vent. If it is not metal you can stick another magnet there using hot glue and let it hold the key for you.