I think that some of the skills in here are directed to men, but any sex can really learn from the old traditions that are listed in this post. Things like “learning how to whistle,” or “how to use a straight razor,” are all things any gender can gain. That’s why I’m posting this. I feel like any woman can learn to use a straight razor and surprise their man with a close shave. There is a ton of information in this post that you can gain. I want you guys to take a second and check it out. You might learn something new or remember something old. Regardless, the information is good.
Thank you for stopping by and keep on keeping on.
36 Essential “Manly” Life Hacks That Every Person Should Know
“I’m not saying that everyone should know how to kick down a door, cook their own beef jerkey, or the difference between an IPA and a lager . . . but it sure might help make the world a better place.”