When you grow up in the North, the notion of growing citrus seems ridiculous. But it turns out, growing a lemon tree indoors is actually completely easy, as long as you have a sunny window! I cannot wait to try this! since I feel as though paying a dollar for a lemon (the going rate these days) is so outrageous, I never buy them anymore.
Just make sure you use an organic lemon to start your seedling. Often the non-organic varieties have non-germinating seeds. You will also need a fertile potting soil, preferably containing peat, vermiculite, perlite, and natural fertilizers, planting pots 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep for sprouting, and another that is 24 inches wide by 12 inches deep for seeding.
Watch the directions in the video below from EcoSnippet.com:
How To Grow An Endless Supply Of Lemons From Seed (This Will Last You A Lifetime)
There! Now you know how to grow a lemon tree from seed, how about you tell your friends about it?
I remember a great Aunt had a little lemon tree just about this size, it gave her many many lemons, this was in Michigan, outside in the summer, inside when it turned cold
I have been looking for a tabletop lemon tree literally for 7 years, since I got my kumquat, limequat, and orange. Finally found one three weeks ago!!!
H p
Laya Bleckwenn
Johnson’s resort store had one in the sun room, remember? Maybe you could grow one in your big window area?