It’s no secret I’m obsessed with roses. I’m also quite partial to the “unusual”. So a black rose? I’m in. There’s really no better way to set your garden apart from everyone else’s than to plant some of these bewitching, and truly unique black flowers. Te Balcony Garden Web gives you several ideas to add a punch of drama to your garden with some pics and info:
20 BLACK Flowers And Plants to Add Drama To Your Garden | Balcony Garden Web
1. Tulip ‘Queen of Night’
2. Petunia, Sophistica Blackberry Hybrid
3. Helleborus ‘Onyx Odyssey’
4. Viola ‘Molly Sanderson’
5. Iris ‘Before the Storm’
6. Physocarpus Opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ syn. ‘Monlo’
7. Black Baccara Rose
8. Hollyhock ‘Nigra’
9. Wine and Roses (Weigela florida)
10. Black Beauty ‘Elderberry’
11. Calla Lily ‘Black Star’
12. Black Mondo Grass
13. Aeonium Arboreum
14. Canna- Black Tropicanna
15. Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’
16. Colocasia ‘Black Magic’
17. Coleus ‘Black Prince’
18. Silver-Laced Primrose (Primula ‘Victoriana Lace Silver Black’)
19. Heuchera ‘Obsidian’
20. Bat Flower