![www.instructables.com/ www.instructables.com/](http://i0.wp.com/infoyoushouldknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/FQ0MCPCITKJCCR2.RECT2100.jpg)
Not too shabby for one piece of plywood! Leave it to the good old folks contributing to Instructables to give us another DIY winner. So few people have desktop computers in their homes anymore. We’re all on laptops or tablets, or exclusively even, our phones. Computer tables of yore, alas, seem way too big now, when all you need is a comfortable space to fit your computer, a coffee cup, and a few odds and ends.
If this particular style doesn’t appeal to you, get creative! Square off the edges perhaps? Either way, this is a great tutorial. Check it out here
Plywood Laptop Table – All
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