I can’t begin to tell you how many items of kitchenware, kids’ toys, even my shoes STILL have the darn product sticker on them. I’ve never been able to figure out what would possess so many manufacturers to overlook how innately irritating it is to consumers to have to deal with the removal of these things. Especially when it’s something like a picture frame. Anyway, I”ve always had Goo Gone handy for these situations, but really, I feel like I have this chemical smell on my hands for the remainder of the day. Naturally, what you really need is an oil base to remove adhesive. But then add to it something like baking soda for a little grit, and VOILA! Bye-Bye sticky-stick!
frequently asked question:
What can Goo Gone remove also?
Goo Gone safely removes:
Chewing gum.
Fresh paint.
Tree sap.
Oil and grease.
What surfaces can I use goo gone on?
Goo Gone Original is surface safe and can be used on carpet & upholstery, clothing, any hard surfaces including glass, laminate, metal, wood, plastic, vinyl, windows, ceramic, granite, flooring, countertops, tile and wood.
How to Make Homemade Goo Remover
- 0.5 cup baking soda (add more to make a thicker paste)
- 0.5 cup olive or vegetable oil (either works perfectly)
- It’s up to you, you can add: Lemon juice OR a fragrant essential oil (commercial Goo Gone has an orange scent, but you can choose the scent you want).
Mix all the ingredients in a mason jar and shake well. There, you have it! Now you can go use your goo gone for whatever purpose you need it for!