![Photo credit: Pipergress.com](http://i0.wp.com/infoyoushouldknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/eggs.jpg)
Photo credit: Pipergress.com
I LOVE eggs. I could completely live off of them if there were nothing left to eat. That’s why I was very sad back for almost two decades when they were vilified. Specifically the high cholesterol yolk. Egg white omelettes are just not the same. Well, it turns our all of that research was completely misguided and based on assumptions: high cholesterol foods= high cholesterol on the body. FALSE! Please read this article and spread the word far and wide: EGGS ARE GOOD FOR YOU! (Please try to make them free range and organic). You will be surprised that eating high cholesterol foods is not going to cause your blood cholesterol to rise, on the contrary your body needs cholesterol. However, if you are eating a lot of carbs then high cholesterol foods will be damaging to your health. Same goes if you are diabetic.
What Eggs Will Do To Your Body
Egg yolks contain 90 percent of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, pantothenic acid and B12 of the egg. In addition the yolk contains all of the fat-soluble components, such as vitamins A, D and E, not to mention the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Egg yolks are also a rich source of some other very interesting nutrients such as choline, lutein and zeaxanthin.
Choline is essential for cardiovascular and brain function. Eating more of it may mean mean less inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers, and more.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are the major antioxidants in eggs. They protect the eyes by filtering harmful light wavelengths and lowering risk of macular degeneration.