I used to be the girl not to be seen without a water bottle firmly gripped by hand at all times. Seriously. It was like a security blanket. That was before kids when I actually prioritized myself! As a personal trainer, staying hydrated is paramount, but more than that, I’m just one of those people who always feels thirsty. I keep my water bottle by my bed at night and am likely to drink from it 2-3 times during the night. However, as of late, I have been forgetting my trusty water bottle and I hit a point where I become acutely aware of how dehydrated I am. There’s little more uncomfortable for me!
That’s why I’m always fascinated by people who say they never drink water or they must force themselves to do so. The body WANTS water, we can’t survive without it! Why do so many people have a hard time getting what their body needs? My theory is that flavored drinks and sodas and juices have pretty much spoiled folks into craving only sugary or tasty drinks, and water just tastes, well, blah, to them. You have to remind yourself that not everything that goes into your mouth for sustenance has to be super tasty! You have to do what you have to do to prioritize your health. As for me? I am a big fan of sparkling water. I bought a soda stream several months ago and have been very happy with the convenience of it. Sometimes I just squeeze a little lemon in and sometimes I use their “water flavors”. If you have a hard time getting your 8 glasses of 8 0unces a day, maybe some of these tips will help you out: