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How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies (No Vinegar Required)


When I was in fifth grade, the teacher asked for a volunteer to capture fruit flies in order to observe the genetic variations in said fruit flies (some have red eyes, if you’ve never noticed!). I happily volunteered, as I was a total bug geek at that age. The teacher instructed me to get a ripe banana, put it in a jar on my door step and to leave it out for a day.

Boy oh boy did I create QUITE the colony of fruit flies. If I had to venture a guess, there were probably close to 300 fruit flies in that jar. So, it follows, that an excellent way to attract fruit flies, is also an excellent way to capture them. Put a piece of banana in a bread bag and leave it out over night. Tie it up in the morning. Done.

I’ve tried the apple cider vinegar in a cup with a piece of poked plastic over top. That didn’t work. The flies landed on top of the plastic, sniffed, and flew away. I’m POSITIVE this technique will work, and will do it next time I have a fruit fly problem! Read the whole article here and share from the source:

The Easy way to get rid of Fruit Flies with out sprays.

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