The five minutes it takes to make as mall batch of this toothpaste, which should last your family of 4 at least a few weeks, is not only worth the savings in what you’ll spend on toothpaste (compare $5 tube from the pharmacy to approximately $1 of the homemade version) but the hope is that your teeth will benefit in the long run as well, saving you money on dentist’s visits and fillings. The following recipes are all actually quite similar to each other with variations only in the addition of baking soda, calcium/magnesium, and stevia.
I’ve used the first formula in the past and I’m about to try the second one today! I’ve been using Tom’s of Maine for a few months and I feel like I have more tartar build-up than I’ve ever had, so I’m ready to switch back hoping for better results. If you try one out, let me know what you think!