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This May be the Best Money You Ever Spend!


Marcella Mae


As proud (relatively) new parents to that masterpiece pictured above nothing scares us more than the thought of anything happening to our precious little nugget. Skinned knees and cut lips are hard enough for us to see, let alone the unthinkable. If you’re anything like us, you may experience many moments of panic while your little one is napping thinking, “It sounds too quiet in there,” or “I just have a bad feeling right now. Let me just go check on her” . Then when you go check on your precious child, you run the risk of waking them up, which is about the second worst thing that can happen.

How nice would it be to just take out your phone and see all your baby’s vital signs and know that they are totally fine without ever having to go into the nursery or disturb your own sleep?

Enter the Owlet. This device fits in a baby’s sock that monitors vitals, including blood oxygenation levels and will alarm should something be wrong. Like the title says, this may be the best money you will EVER spend. Check out their link below. If anyone has one, let us know how you like it. Our babe is a year and a half now, and probably doesn’t need this, but I’d say this is a fantastic gift for anyone expecting soon!

Owlet Baby Monitor

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