No sooner did I get all of my lights strung around the tree, the garland draped around the mantle, and the gawdy, lit tree-topper star hung, than that very star flickered out.. I had noticed one bulb was out earlier, but the rest of the stayed lit. Hmmmmm? I wonder why? Well, I’m not sure if that particular bulb ended up shorting the rest, but the whole thing eventually went out. I tried to replace the bulb but it didn’t work. Enter Professor Google, or in this case, The Family Handyman. I’ve always seen the little fuses that they pack along with a new string of Christmas lights but I honestly never had any idea where said fuses lived. They live in the plug. Now I know!
Read the article below to find out how you can repair christmas lights:
How to Repair Christmas Tree Lights | The Family Handyman
If you have a pesky string of lights that won’t stay lit or flickered out, don’t give up on the whole strand. You can figure this out!