Credit: ScienceAlert.com
I feel like this has been happening to me in the past couple of weeks, trying to catch up with life. Last week I was driving at 7:00 am on a Sunday morning going to a job, not having slept for more than 4 hours. I completely miss a speed drop from 55mph to 35 mph and get ticketed for driving 55/35 (yes 7:00 am Sunday morning). Well, my point is I could swear there was never a speed drop so when I finished workI went back to see, and I found not one posted sign but three that I never saw!
Sleep is indeed very important for a lot of things most importantly is functioning properly. I need my 8 hours of sleep, others are good with 5. It’s really up to your body.
Here is the article:
The brain literally starts eating itself when it doesn’t get enough sleep – ScienceAlert
Some say that successful people sleep less, so I did look around for sleep hacking techniques before, to trick my body into sleeping less, but they never worked. What do you think is it something you would do, let us know on Facebook?