If you’ve got the run-of-the-mill grass lawn and were looking to invest in some goats for your homestead, there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is, goats don’t just eat grass, they need a buffet-style lawn with all the weed fixins’ a goat could want, and it typically requires ripping out your whole lawn and reseeding. The good news? You can “cheat” a bit by using a technique called “overseeding” your lawn. And it couldn’t be easier.
But, if you want to do it right here is a suggestion from a forum that I found:
The best way to turn your lawn into pasture is to fence and cross-fence, and use intensively managed grazing, with daily rotations if you can manage it that often. If you want a patch of alfalfa for hay, add it to your garden rotation (enlarging your garden). You should get really high yields that way, reducing the area needed to grow hay. To add diversity to your lawn/pasture, you can graze, or mow, really short (scalped), and overseed. Keep the grass grazed down short until the new stuff starts to grow.
Things to plant would include:
clovers (not red) and vetches
salad burnet
There are probably some others you could plant (siberian pea shrub is one I want to plant here for goat forage), but I’ve got to get going, so don’t have time to look things up. You could do a search for herbal lea, though.
There are some other good suggestions, check it out: