I tried to introduce my toddler to the concept of a “fort” the other day. I pulled a dining room chair over to the living room and draped our gigantic blanket over the chair and our sectional couch. She didn’t get it. She wanted to climb on top of it. When I tried to put her inside she got pretty mad about it. And I know she’s not averse to being in tent-like structures, this was just not quite high enough. This pool noodle house is a great way to construct a temporary fort that will give the kids enough space to play…and then you can just take it down again!
The following link contains loose instructions on how to put one of these babies together:
Using Pool Noodles to Build a Play House
“It does take some time to set up, but the kids loved that they got to help “build” the house and spent most of the afternoon playing in it after we were finished.”