![We Risked Our Phones to Try These 13 Ultimate Phone Hacks So You Don’t Have To](http://i0.wp.com/infoyoushouldknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/preview-16274160-650x341-98-1506721851.jpg)
Credit: brightside.me
The internet is full of information, unfortunately, a lot of this info is garbage. It reminds me of a Japanese saying that if you believe all you read you should stop reading and if you believe half of what you watch on TV you should stop watching TV. I don’t know what I would say if I add the internet to that saying but it’s certainly full of lies. On this website, we try to bring to you news from authenticated websites and brightside is one of them.
In the article below they tried 13 phone hacks to test it for us so that we won’t lose our phone to one of them.
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Note: The items are ranked by usefulness, with the coolest ones at the end. So read on!